4.Personal Affairs
- (4-1)TKU Regulations Regarding Faculty Service and Benefits
- (5-1)TKU Regulations on Faculty Promotion
- (6-1)TKU Regulations Governing the Assessment of Faculty Members’ Instruction and Service (and Attached Guidelines)
- (7-1)TKU Regulations Governing the Review of Teacher Credentials
- (10-1)Regulations Regarding Chair Professors at TKU
- (12-1)Regulations Pertaining to Visiting Faculty at TKU
- (20-1)TKU Regulations on Employee Retirement, Compensation, and Severance
- (22-1)TKU Regulations on Unpaid Parental Leave for Faculty and Staff
- (32-1)TKU Regulations Regarding Faculty Evaluation
- (39-1)TKU Implementation Regulations Governing the Retirement Benefits Pension Plan
- (41-1)TKU Regulations on the Implementation of the Flexible Salary System
- (47-1)TKU Implementation Guidelines for Faculty and Staff Medical Examinations
- (53-1)TKU Regulations for Prevention of Sexual Harassment at the Workplace